Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference

David Bruce, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC


Research from the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC and case studies from the emergency services, local government, education and health sectors, featured at the Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference on the Gold Coast in May.

Keynote presentations from Commissioner Katarina Carroll, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, referenced disasters in Australia and in the United States to illustrate points on leadership in crisis situations.

Jonathan Coppel, Productivity Commissioner, presented an overview of the Productivity Commission’s review of Australia’s Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements.

Other presentations covered the topics of health and local government including building resilient cities, mental health of medics and first responders, training and higher education in emergency management, volunteer recruitment and management, and public communications.

There were discussion sessions around case studies on communities, recovery and collaboration following the 2013 New South Wales Blue Mountains fires, the 2015 Ravenshoe Café explosion, and other recent disaster incidents.

The conference is a joint initiative of four not-for-profit organisations, being the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, the Australian Institute of Emergency Services, the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association Inc. and the Association for Sustainability in Business Inc.

Conference information is at